Our 2022/23 season tickets and club memberships are now available to renew / buy.
With ticket prices remaining at £10 for the season, the season ticket will enable you to save £70 over the course of the season on all our home league games. Please note that cup games and away games are not included with a season ticket. Season tickets have been reduced to just £120 this season for adults and £100 for concessions.
We emplore as many as possible to become club members at a cost of just £10 a year. This membership gives you a vote in the running of the club at the AGM.
Club memberships this year also include a drinks discount, on production of your membership card you are entitles to 20p off each alcoholic drink you purchase.
Season tickets and club membership can be ordered and collected at the club or you can buy and pay online at www.cinderfordtown.co.uk/shop